Tuesday 22 January 2013

I BEG YOUR PARDON??? Did you just say general anaesthetic?

And so I arrive at the clinic and the reality of what was about to happen hit me hard.

I was shaking, crying, throwing up and I had not even walked in the door yet and then it opened...

I was ushered into a beautiful clinic, clean and very very comfortable. I was handed tissues and water, they removed my shoes popped a pair of slippers on me then took me to the waiting room.

The waiting room was very comfortable and they even had massage machines available! 

While I was waiting my emotions were going up and down. One second I was all OK the next I was hyperventilating. The tears never stopped flowing. I was really regretting doing this on my own. I wanted to get up and walk out but I had no idea where I was or how to get home, I felt trapped.

Then they called me "Miss Susie Madam, the Dr will see you now"......


With the tears flowing and great difficulty breathing I walked into that room feeling condemned.

The treatment room was like any dentist in Australia and that stupid dental chair was just as terrifying in Thailand.

Waiting for me were the dentist and 2 nurses, to me they looked like the executioner and his cronies.


Now it was plainly obvious that all of this was doing my head in and I was on the verge of a full on anxiety attack.

The dentist was so understanding, he reassured me that he was here to help me and not hurt me, that we have the same goal, for me to have a beautiful smile. 


So I relax a bit, I stop crying and start to talk about what I wanted done, then he had a look...

So after a few minutes he tells me exactly what they would need to do....

And that was it.....I lost my shit.....

Slicing my gums open, tens of stitches, 12 that's right 12 implants in my head and a bone graft.

Fucking forget it. I'm going home Ill live with these teeth there is no way on  the planet I can do this. None, its too much, its way too much to handle awake......

Panic panic panic, the sirens were going off my mind was racing I was sobbing....

The dentist said, would you like to go to hospital to get this done under general I don't think you will cope with this awake.....

I BEG YOUR PARDON??? Did you just say general anaesthetic?

And indeed he had....

YES!! YES!! YES!!! I was concerned about the extra cost since I was told it would triple the price and it just doesn't happen in Thailand.

Guess how much extra.....$1450......SOLD!

I was sold, the dentist called the surgeon and everyone was on board, all I had to do today was get the denture casts taken. 

Anyone who has got dentures will tell you that getting the casts taken is a bit yucky. Basically you gag and want to throw up. But the dentist kept on talking to me and the nurse was doing something to my hand and arm that made me relax and stop the gagging. In 5 minutes we were done.

I was ushered back to the waiting room, waited a couple of minutes and got another x-ray. 

All of that back home would have taken about 6 weeks to get organised, it happened in half an hour!

I was given another appointment the following day to see the surgeon and the dentist and Ill be admitted on Wednesday to have the surgery! Is unbelievable how fast stuff happens here!

After that I was in the car on my way back to the apartments....

So now I just relax until I get knocked out and I wake up with a new smile.

I do not believe there is a happier person on the planet right now....well, better go drink some more cheap drinks by the pool to celebrate!


  1. Good luck for today Susie ! I'm so glad you are being put under, I was a little worried about you when you said you were having it done in the chair.I'm not sure if I've told you this, but I have 2 crowns - my 2 front teeth. Nothing like what you're having done I know, but I do kind of get it sort of.....so good luck, you're a strong lady and this will all be worth it!!

    1. Oh thank you so much Pia!
      They have actually put if off until tomorrow, I need to see the surgeon again and try on my new teeth for size before the operation, so today Im going to rub as many Buddha's as possible for good luck!
      Thank you Pia for your support!!!
      Cant wait to get back and flash you my brilliant smile!

  2. And I can't wait to see it :) See you tomorrow....and I have read about your appalling treatment at Logan Hospital, absolutely disgraceful. Did you lodge a complaint with the HQCC?
