Thursday 17 January 2013

Babies, Bye- Bye's, Blubbering.......and Bourbon.....

I have survived the wait....

In 4 hours Ill be leaving home for the journey of my lifetime!

These last couple of days have been tough, really tough... I've been a jumble of emotions, I've been high I've been low I've been numb, but mostly, I've cried. Ill cry over anything. Basically if I have an emotion that is greater than " Don't give a shit" I start to blubber, like an idiot, even when I know I'm being an idiot and that makes me cry more....watching the One Day Cricket at the GABBA has me bawling, seriously Susie, why do you care Pup got out? He went out with Lara Bingle!

Yesterday I said good bye to my parents that was OK but they are just as sooky as I am, and I farewelled my kids now that was gut wrenching. I'm not going to see them for 16 days, 15 now, but its so long. Its the longest I've ever been away from them. My son Dan is 14 and my daughter Annaliese is almost 11 and while a times they drive me mental I love them more than life and not having them around is going to be very surreal. They are two tough little cookies, they didn't get the Sooky La La DNA like me. Annaliese was very quiet and concerned and said "Don't cry Mummy, you will be fine. I love you. You are so brave". Dan, my young man, left me with "Bye Mum, I love you, See you when you are beautiful again!'  Man I love those kids...I sat in Anzac Square and I sobbed as they left with my parents. 

This is all too real.

I hung out with Mr Beam for the rest of the night...he didn't make me cry...he made me happy

A few hours ago I turned on my out of office reply and signed out...

I work with some of the best people I have ever met in my life. There are a few ladies there who have been amazing over the last few weeks. Christie  Tracy, Lyndsay and Cresta, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for your pep talks, your advice, your help, your understanding. You guys have feed the courageous part of me and Ill always remember what you have done.

But there is one person who has really been my rock, Lee Daly, I WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN DOING THIS IF IT WAS NOT FOR YOU! I don't want to get all soppy or anything but you know how important you are to me. I hope everyone in their lifetime has a friend like you. You pretty much always say the right thing, you laugh with me and at me when I'm being silly, you get angry with me, you cry with me and you will not indulge my anxieties. I could not have ever asked for a better friend than you. You are an amazing woman. I look up to you and admire you..

That's about all the goodbyes I can handle for today, so there are only 2 more beings getting the big farewell I love you chat, my dog, Zeus, and my cat, Fry....

So now, as I sit and contemplate the next few weeks I'm going to relax myself with a "few words" with Mr Beam and await my husband who will whisk me away for a night on the Gold Coast before this epic adventure truly begins....

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