Sunday 1 September 2013

Tooth Fairy Does A Naked Happy Dance!!!!!!!!

This morning I woke up and did a naked happy dance.....


No, it wasn't a Fathers Day present for my husband..... Happy Fathers Day Davey xxoo

Its 30 days til I go back to Thailand and 31 til I see Dr Sunil!

That's right only 30 days til I'm relaxing on a "smooth as silk" Thai Airways better be smooth as silk, I freak out at turbulence. Ill also NEVER sit in seat 7C, thanks Air Crash Investigations.....

On that, my self imposed ban on said show as well as any other plane crash related news, docos or movies begins today....My husband had me watch Con Air last night as a farewell to feeding my plane anxiety.

Last trip I went with Air Asia, it was really cheap hence that choice. If you have been reading my blog you may recall my horror at Malaysia and how I said if it was humanly possible to avoid EVER having to have a lay over there DO IT!!!!!! This was my main motivation to go with Thai Airways, and they leave from Brisbane rather than the Gold Coast and that's just easier.

Last time I was freaking out about just going to Thailand, let alone the dentistry  I was so worried about what Id experience and let me tell you, it was confronting, but by the end I really really loved it there, I mean to the point I've told my hubby retiring there would be awesome. Just like his Dad, who, has actually just welcomed a new baby son with his "younger than me" Thai bride. Yes that's right my father in has a new Thai wife, she is 32, and just had a baby so I have a brother in law 36 years my junior. My cousins were also born in Thailand to a Thai mother, well they are cousins by marriage but they have been in my life for over 20 years and I love them, Id LOVE to go over with them next year for my check up, fingers crossed it all works out! Im totally pumped about going back it seems that Thailand and I have been in each others destiny forever....

I'm cool with the train's, the taxi's, the ferries and the tuk tuk's.

My eyes have been opened to the scamming beggars and the sex trade is there but from what I witnessed it wasn't the hookers I felt sorry for it was the pathetic lonely drunk old men and social rejects whom bought a few hours of happiness....

There were kid prostitutes, that is something I will never ever accept, something I still cant get out of my head, it makes my heart hurt, it was gross, it is something that really bothers me, but I'm prepared for it now, I also know what street NOT to walk down so I can remain oblivious.

I'm looking forward to bargaining again...I get it now and I say.......... MBK will be my bitch.....BRING IT ON!!!!!!!

Ok so I am more than a little nervous about the whole dentist bit but I do know the drugs they give you are A1 and well, Im not adverse to a mind altering substance or two, so the idea of getting trippy with Dr Sunil is enough to balance out the hesitation I have about that....

But the coolest thing about this trip is I'm bring a sidekick....I've been debating about what to call my companion to protect her identity, I've tossed up a few name, I have finally decided on "Drill". Drill and I already have a fantastic scam worked out to try and obtain a free upgrade to first class on the plane. 

We are staying in a 5 star 2 bedroom apartment in Bangkok and then after the hustle and bustle of Bangkok and WHEN I HAVE MY NEW TEETH, we will be spending 4 nights in Koh Samui in a 4 Star Resort we kind of NEED First Class passage to ensure the trip perfectly 5 Star....we wont tell them that's why we need first class, no, we are far more manipulative and smart for that we are gonna use guilt and play on their empathy.....I cant say too much about our cunning plan but if it works Ill be sure NOT to tell you so we can keep on using it.....oh, of course I will tell, I love to brag about a bargain. (The Tooth Fairy is Breaking man, how good is that show!!!!!!). Its a great plan but you will probably need to qualify for disabled parking to try and copy us...mwahahahahahaha....

So 30 days, 4 weeks and two days until the final stage of this quest......

I've walked through Mordor and scaled Mount Doom now I just have to get passed Gollum to throw the ring in the fire...then my world will be perfect.

Im not sure how much Ill sleep between now and then.......