Friday 1 March 2013

No Teeth Is WAY Better Than Bad Teeth!

I am now 6 weeks post surgery and yesterday was "event horizon" for the stitches in my mouth. On Thursday I had at least 30 left, and now less than 2 days later I have, maybe 8, I say maybe as I'm counting with my tongue because its hard to see in my mouth properly. By Monday I reckon they will ALL be gone!!!!!

In terms of my recovery from the surgery itself, I have experienced NO pain. Initially the facial swelling was very uncomfortable but my jaw never hurt. Eating was an issue, and still is but I can eat most things if I chop it up real small, sadly, I still cant live out my burger fantasy. The single most annoying thing has been the stitches. They rub, they get loose, they hang down and when they fall out they do it mid conversation and you have to excuse your self to go suture fishing...clearly you also swallow a bunch of them...

I like to write silly poems, I wrote one for my stitches, it pretty much sums up the way I was feeling for most of the last month...

Screw you stitches,
You really really suck,
You are so bloody itchy,
And annoying as all fuck. 
I want to get some scissors,
And cut you all away,
But patience is a virtue,
Ill be suture free, one day. 
I really want a burger,
Or a juicy lump of steak,
I'm over all the mushy food,
I've had all that I can take.
I have had no infections in my mouth. I could not be happier with the quality of the work. I cannot speak highly enough of the treatment or the facilities or the people. If you need dental work and it will cost more than $1000 here, just go to Thailand and see Dr Sunil. You will not regret it. If you're in Thailand you should go and see him even if its just for a professional clean and whiten.

But the best bit is I still have not been sick! Not once! When I say sick I mean the old symptoms that I had, the ones that were ruining my life. I did have bad post flight foot and leg swelling followed by a really bad cold but they are things normal people get. This is a true freedom. One I never thought I would realise. I've even stopped considering my proximity to a bathroom! Its truly like being freed from a mental prison. In fact people are noticing and commenting about how healthy I look, that I look younger, that I'm getting fatter, that my skin looks better, that the whole shape of my face has changed, and it has I think my jaw was swollen for years. I am sleeping so much better and when I wake up I'm looking forward to the day. AND I'm not on ANY drugs!!!!!!!

The only real issue now is the social issues of having no teeth, I'm not attempting the dentures until every stitch is gone, but even that's not really an issue. I am lucky - when you look at me, and my mouth is closed, you cannot tell. My lips have not gone in like an old lady, partly because I have fairly thick lips and party because the implants are in my jaw. Having no teeth is less noticeable when I speak than having bad teeth, I'm not sure why, it just is. To me I have a terrible lisp, but I am assured by those around me its not so bad. I'm also not embarrassed anymore. Anyone I have contact with on a regular basis knows what I have done and feels comfortable to talk to me about it. I used to be ashamed of having bad teeth, now I am happy to have no teeth and I do not feel like I have to hide, I have stopped worrying that someone might notice my mouth because its not my dirty secret anymore, its my badge of courage and Im happy to talk about it.

I'm not really sure I'm even going to use the dentures, unless they help me eat, I think they look weird, but I haven't really given them a chance so Ill reserve my judgement. But last night I did manage to eat Chicken Enchilladas, cut into teeny bits, sans teeth so......

Less than 5 months til I can go back and have all this be a memory rather than a reality and a dream...

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