Monday 4 March 2013

Next It's The "Forever" Bit

So today is Monday and I was right, my stitches are all  gone....

I have to congratulate myself on my ability to block out reality and the obvious next step before me. I have it down to a fine art.

This is one of my biggest flaws. I have an inability to think past the next pressing "event". I need to fix this very very quickly.

I had been so keen for the stupid annoying stitches to go away that when I woke up today and my gums were healed I was pumped. But as the day wore I knew that I had to consider those dentures again.

Firstly I think they look dumb. Maybe its because I've sat and stared at them for hours. Maybe its because the first time I saw them in my mouth it really hurt. Most likely its because its been at least 5 years since I had perfect teeth and its just different, (I'm not sure I ever mentioned this but about 6 years ago I had my teeth fixed for the first time but it was nothing like this, so this is the second set of teeth I've bought). There is nothing wrong with the dentures they are perfect, its just me.

Secondly, they make me gag and kinda hurt a little. I've been told it can take months to feel comfortable wearing dentures. Its only 5 months until I go back. I wonder, is it really worth it?

Next, I'm scared of the denture adhesive. I'm worried about how well it will stick and of I'll be able to get them out  easily if they make me gag badly or if they make me look like Jim Carey in "The Mask". What about if I cant get them unstuck at bed time??????

I really am at peace with my oral condition right now. I am not worried about people noticing my lack of fangs but if I have those dentures in I know all my old self conscious feelings are going to come flooding back.

I know I gripe about food but I'm not going to starve, I'm just going to be tormented. I think I can eat softish food in tiny bits for a few months to save myself any more reason to stress and freak out.

I remember back to my first prosthodontist appointment and he told me Id be toothless for 6 months and how offended I was that he would even suggest I go that long without teeth. I was so mad at him and now I am thinking its a good option for me....

Dr Sunil told me I would hate them and he was right. He told be he wouldn't hurt me and he was right. He promised me Id be supported for the entire time I was in hospital and he was right. He told me to wear the dentures as little as possible and since he has such a great track record of being right I think Ill wear them as little as possible and to me that's NEVER!

But now I need to contemplate my reaction to the reality that teeth are going to be screwed into my head and after 6 years Ill wake up, along with more stitches I'm sure, and have them permanently attached to my being. I know Im going to think I look silly. What if I wake up with a "hollywood smile"?!?!?!  What if I look like a rabbit?!?!?!? What if I look like I have costume teeth in?!?!?!?!?

This is a whole different set of emotions coming to visit now.

I've done the scary painful bit, but next it's the "forever" bit.

So far so good but its all about the end result.

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